Thursday, March 25, 2010

Pet Peeve: Smoking

Quick rant about a new pet peeve that I just found out I have.

I am walking briskly across campus to my class, and a boy is walking in front of me. Average height, average weight, normal clothes. Nothing seems wrong with that right? 

Every puff he took of his nicotine cigarette blew back into my face. I tried to walk slower, it still got to me. I tried to pass him up but couldn't. 

Smokers: think of the people down wind from you! I don't want your smoke. Thanks.  

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Thanks to god's gift, Netflix, I am able to watch any assortment of random movies that I feel necessary. This past week, I received Earth in the mail... the documentary about the planet that was released a few years ago on Earth Day.

When it came to theaters, I really wanted to see it but never got around to it (story of my film-viewing life). When I slid the DVD into the television, I was slightly nervous. I had built this documentary up so much that I feared it would fall way below expectations. I mean a documentary about the Earth... how exciting could it be?

I loved it! I want to watch it everyday for the rest of my life. Okay, that's a stretch but it was really good. And informative. And gorgeous! The scenery made me want to run outside and hike up the nearest mountain and then jump down a waterfall.

Not to mention, the narrator may be the best voice I have heard (besides Morgan Freeman and the Allstate guy, of course).

It was sad at some points. The caribou getting hunted didn't exactly put a smile on my face. Neither did the baby elephant that was lost from it's herd. Still, it did have the funny and happy and interesting parts. 

Random fact that I learned, mother polar bears hibernate and do not eat for 5 months; at the end of the five months, they have lost half of their body weight. 

All I'm saying is that if I don't eat for five months, I better lose more than half of my body weight. 

The next to come in the mail is The September Issue, a documentary about the making of the September Vogue. 

Click the title of this post to watch Earth trailer.