Friday, December 21, 2012

Happy Holidays from a Working Girl

Working on the Friday before a holiday week is torture in the most inhumane way. Only way to survive is to plug in the Lady Gaga Pandora station and try not to stare longingly at the clock.

If you're at work right now here's a list of things you're probably doing to make it to 5 o'clock

  1. Social media - as if you don't do that everyday
  2. Participating in an office-wide gif e-mail battle. You know the e-mails that never end due to people posting random/funny gifs they find. 
  3. Going to bathroom or getting water. That wastes a good couple of minutes. 
  4. Refreshing your mail and getting nothing new. Duh! Everyone else is already on the holiday break. 
  5. Thinking about the alcohol you will consume once the bell tolls 5. 
As a fellow working girl, have a very pc Happy Holidays!

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